Chen Peiyi’s solo exhibition
To explain Chen Peiyi, the most important thing to say is not that such a cat is pretty cute or a detailed portrayal.
It is like the beauty of the world that appears throughout her “cats”, or the depth of love.
This exhibition started from the fact that Segensha will publish her solo art collection book. By holding a solo exhibition at the timing of the art book publication, it was meant to introduce her more strongly to Japan.
Her first solo artist catalogue book “All I need is My Cat’s” is wonderful. No, as I’m still watching it is an unfinished manuscript , it should be wonderful to say exactly. Her paintings, layouts and designs are of course nice, but her words are better than anything else. I can understand why she draws pictures of only cats and lives.

There is this on the first page of the inside of this book.
“A friend told me,’If you have pictures and cats, now you do not need anything else ‘
That is exactly right. “
She is a woman before as is a painter, has not arrived suddenly to such feeling. Via making various struggles as a lady and making efforts not to say to anyone. Otherwise, I can not explain that restlessness, gentleness, gaze point of view for things when visiting her room in Taichung.
She posts a lot of pictures of cats taken by herself to SNS. Every one of them is full of fresh surprises against things, it is beautiful. Her painting is a Japanese style painting with exceptional skills, drawn precisely up to every single hair of a cat, and the texture of the carpet that often appears is staggering. Through her photographs you may notice that only her picture is not beautiful, but her viewpoint is beautiful.
Through her sensitivity, a room of an apartment wrapping her and a cat will become the universe that will always let people’s sensitivity be opened.
It is similar to Kumagai Morikazu staring at home’s garden for decades and drawing nearby nature and not getting tired.
Monk Ryokan and Kumagai Morikazu ‘s point of view is that many Japanese admire… unwilling, enjoying the way they are…. is also shown in her world.
Looking at the picture of a cat playing variously and reading her little words, you will read this solo book with feeling comfortable and quiet touching comes to your body.
I hope this world will convey her world at this exhibition. Although it is a tiny solo exhibition with only ten points, she will also exhibit her appearance during her production. In addition, we will also pre-sale the book.
展覧会情報 Exhibition
November 9th to 19th
Place:ぎゃらりい秋華洞 Gallery Shukado
Please do not miss.
- 陳珮怡画集刊行記念チン・ペイイ個展、今週金曜日から。
- 陳珮怡個展「唯貓所在/猫さえいれば」